The possibility of episteme in Aristotle's Ethics
episteme, science, ethics, knowledge, demonstrationAbstract
There is a long tradition that affirms that the Aristotelian Ethics is unable to achieve the necessary conditions to reach the episteme, i.e. the universal demonstrative knowledge. However, over the last decades, an idea has been growing strong; the principles and methodologies exposed in both Eudemian Ethics and Nicomachean Ethics meet the scientific requirements exposed in Posterior Analytics to tower above mere particular knowledge. In this article we will follow Professor Joseph Karbowski’s interpretation and his attempt to equate Ethics to the scientific knowledge. First, the Aristotelian general concept of philosophy and its method will be addressed. Second, the status of Ethics within that approach will be analyzed. Finally, we will go over the key passages of both Eudemian Ethics and Nicomachean Ethics used by Karbowski to demonstrate that episteme and Ethics are epistemologically compatible.
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