The societates publicanorum in the military supply: economic and legal considerations of a new war logistics (s.III-I B.C.)


  • Jimena Silva Salgado Investigadora Independiente, Módena



professional army, economic inflation, monetary minting, Societates Publicanorum, Mercatores belli, war logistics, supply


The conquests carried out by Rome irreversibly transformed the founding social structures. The new prevailing mentality promoted an avant-garde economic dynamic that revolutionized the monetary finance, the situation of the army, the legal thinking and the contractual relationship of the State with private parties. The Societates Publicanorum appear capable of supporting the State in many of its needs, such as supplying the troops with all kinds of inputs, an activity that was supported and regulated by the jurisprudence and that brought huge profits to the private coffers. The Senate and its military logistics had fundamental support from the publicans in times of economic difficulty.


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How to Cite

The societates publicanorum in the military supply: economic and legal considerations of a new war logistics (s.III-I B.C.). (2024). Grecorromana. Revista Chilena De Estudios Clásicos, 2, 43-83.