Athens, stasis, Isocrates, forensic speechesAbstract
From the perspective of the History of political ideas, this study focuses on the first four Isocrates’ speeches –Against Euthynus, Against Callimachus, Against Lochites and Concerning the team of horses– and seeks to prove that these judicial speeches show the imprint of the Athenian stasis of 404-403 BC in citizens’ collective memory. The analysis is based on the research of the Cambridge School and those of Hellenists such as Josiah Ober, Michael Gagarin, Andrew Wolpert and Konstantinos Kapparis, who highlight the historical value of the four-century Athenian oratory. In this sense, the article finds that the forensic discourse is closely associated with the internal conflict and, in the same way, that Isocrates' judicial allegations are marked by the stasis that afflicted Athens during the tyranny of the Thirty and the following democratic restoration. In short, it is clear that this section of the Isocratic corpus can be an instrument for examining, before the rhetor’s ideas, those with which an important sector of the Athenian citizenry identified itself.
Discursos de Isócrates
Guzmán Hermida, Juan Manuel (I, 1979 y 2007; II, 1980): Isócrates, Discursos, Madrid.
Mathieu, Georges y Brémond, Émile (I, 1930 ; II, 1956 ; III, 1942, y IV, 1962): Isocrate, Discours, Paris.
Mirhady, David C. y Lee Too, Yun 2000: Isocrates I, Austin.
Norlin, George (I, 1954; II, 1956; III, 1954): Isocrates, London.
Papillon, Terry L. 2004: Isocrates II, Austin.
Otras fuentes primarias
Aristófanes 2007: Las avispas, en Comedias II, trad. de Luis M. Macía Aparicio, Madrid.
Aristóteles 1984: Constitución de los atenienses, trad. de. Manuela García Valdés, Madrid.
Aristóteles 1999: Retórica, trad. de Quintín Racionero, Madrid.
Demóstenes 1980: Sobre la corona, en Discursos políticos I, trad. de Antonio López Eire, Madrid.
Dionisio de Halicarnaso 2005: Tratados de crítica literaria, trad. de Juan Pedro Oliver Segura, Madrid.
Esquines 2002: Contra Timarco, en Discursos, trad. de José María Lucas de Dios, Madrid.
Jenofonte 1994: Helénicas. Tr. Gonzalo Guntiñas Tuñón, Madrid.
Jenofonte 1993: Recuerdos de Sócrates, trad. de Juan Zaragoza, Madrid.
Platón 1992: Carta VII, en Diálogos VIII, trad. de Juan Zaragoza y Pilar Gómez Cardó, Madrid.
Plutarco 2006: Alcibíades, en Vidas Paralelas III, trad. de Aurelio Pérez Jiménez y Paloma Ortíz, Madrid.
Tucídides 1992: Historia de la guerra del Peloponeso, trad. de José Torres Esbarranch, Madrid.
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