
  • Ezequiel Martin Parra Universidad Nacional de Córdoba




Hellenism, hellenistic historiography, hellenistic culture, Droysen, postcolonialism


Current questions pertaining the relevance of the term «Hellenistic period» for historical analysis date back to the moment when J.G. Droysen established the cultural transformations caused by the encounters of Greek and non-Greeks as the main parameter for defining Hellenism. Due to his linking of the specificity of said historical period to a particular understanding of cultural relationships, any change in this last variable has altered our comprehension of the period as whole. This article studies three moments when historiography redefined its approaches to cultural relationships and the way it affected the research field itself.


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How to Cite

Martin Parra, E. (2023). DROYSEN’S LEGACY: CULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS IN HELLENISTIC PERIOD HISTORIOGRAPHY. Grecorromana. Revista Chilena De Estudios Clásicos, 5, 106–132. https://doi.org/10.53382/issn.0719-9902.50


