
  • Francisco Bahamonde Farías Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



Parmenides, Poem Perì Fýseos, DK 28 B3


This paper aims to clarify some relevant aspects of DK 28 B 3, the fragment 3 of the Poem Perì Fýseos of the Greek philosopher Parmenides of Elea. We will propose a few questions regarding the meaning and significance of the key components present in it, in order to conclude with a reflection about the global meaning of this fragment and the clues it provides on the rest of the Poem. The general aim of this paper is, therefore, to inquire about the relevance of DK 28 B 3 in the framework of Parmenides’ philosophy. The main results are: first, a characterization of the meaning of the notion of noûs in Parmenides’ thought; second, to deepen in the scope of the expression tò auto used by Parmenides in fragment 3; and, lastly, a reflection on Parmenides’ influence over subsequent philosophy.


Fuentes principales

Diels, Hermann y KRANZ, Walther 1906: Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, Berlín.

Migne, Jean-Paul 1890: Patrologia Graeca, Vol. IX, París.

Obras citadas

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How to Cite

Bahamonde Farías, F. (2023). NOTES FOR A STUDY OF DK 28 B 3. Grecorromana. Revista Chilena De Estudios Clásicos, 5, 6–17.


